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Are Porcelain Veneers Right for You?

Posted on 8/23/2021 by Joseph Kabaklian DDS
Rendering of implant, crown, and veneer cross sectionsIs there something about your smile you want to fix? Is there a certain tooth or gap that bothers you? Do the color of your teeth affect your self esteem and ability to smile? These are the people we usually see in our Cosmetic dental practice. We offer free consultations and during that consultation Dr. Kabaklian meets with you and discusses what you don’t like about your smile and how you want to improve your smile. Dr. Kabaklian then shows you countless before and after photos of patients’ just like you that went through the same treatment. Lately we have been seeing a lot of patients that want to improve their smile with porcelain veneers. So how do we know if porcelain veneers are right for you?
•  Have you gone through invisalign or braces and the teeth have shifted back? If so, porcelain veneers can be right for you because veneers can help straighten mild crowding. Even if you have never had invisalign or braces but your teeth are crowded, porcelain veneers can help!
•  Do you want an amazing smile transformation in 2 appointments? Many people don’t want to wait for the whole braces and invisalign process so porcelain veneers are a great quick way to get the smile you always wanted!
•  Have you done teeth whitening and didn’t get your smile as white as you wanted? We have lots of patients that are avid teeth whiteners but still want their teeth to be whiter. Teeth whitening is great but has its limits. The great thing about porcelain veneers is that you can make teeth as white as you want. Porcelain veneers offer great color control at our cosmetic dental practice.
•  Have you done invisalign but don’t like the shape of your teeth after all your teeth are straight? Porcelain veneers are great with invisalign because invisalign will straighten your teeth but it won’t change the shape of your teeth.
•  Do you grind your teeth? Do you have chipped or damaged teeth? We have lots of patients that grind their teeth and we use porcelain veneers to restore the tooth from the damage grinding has done.
•  Do you have short teeth? We have lots or patients that have short teeth that we are able to make longer and more beautiful with porcelain veneers.

Whether you’ve been shopping around for veneers or have never thought about cosmetic dentistry, give our office a call and book a free consultation to see if porcelain veneers are right for you! Call us today at 949-991-2499.

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9:30 am - 6:00 pm
9:30 am - 6:00 pm
9:30 am - 6:00 pm
9:30 am - 6:00 pm
8:10 am - 4:00 pm
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